I teach at the The Picker's Exchange in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The address is 4316 Ringgold Road. It is located near the intersection of Moore Road and Ringgold Road, diagonally across the street from the Suntrust Bank. The phone number is 423-629-1661.
Fees for lessons are $115 for 4 weeks. Lessons are 1/2 hour each. One hour lessons are available also, but recommended for advanced players. If you're just starting out, a half hour is generally sufficient time. Here are some other options:
Lesson Pricing
Individual Standard 1/2 hour weekly lessons -- 4 week block: ............... $115
Two people sharing 1/2 hour lesson spot -- 4 week block: ..................... $175 (2nd person 1/2 price)
10 Week New Student Starter Package: .................................................$230 (20% Discount)
Absolutely! A large percentage of my students are beginners. Beginners are great to work with because there aren't any bad habits that need to be unlearned. I clearly remember the frustration and confusion that comes with being in the beginner stage, and I can show you how to get passed it. Way passed it.
One of the great things about my job is that I get to meet and get to know all kinds of people. I've seen folks of every age, background, nationality, etc. I've had students with conditions some people would call handicaps. And they all learn to play guitar. The main requirements are desire, and a bit of stick-to-itiveness. And a good plan. That's where I come in.
Items you'll need to start with include: a guitar (electric or acoustic or bass), guitar picks, and an electric tuner. Advanced students will also want to get a metronome. I can help in the selection of any of these items if you don't already have them. I also provide written material, so there is no book to buy. If you have a book you like or any written material, please feel welcome to bring it with you. It helps me to see what you've been working on, if any thing.
Make-Up Lessons
- If you miss a lesson, you may either 1) forfeit the missed lesson or 2) do a "make-up lesson”.
- 24 hours minimum notice must be given to be eligible to do a make-up lesson.
- Make-ups must be scheduled within 30 days of the missed lesson or will be forfeit.
- The make-up lesson will be in addition to your regular weekly lesson.
- Your week count of lessons simply continues and DOES NOT stop for the missed week.
Make-up Lessons may not be done in place of a regularly scheduled weekly lesson.
You forfeit your lesson if:
1. You cancel the day of the lesson or no show.
2. You miss your make-up once it is scheduled.
3. You do not schedule and take the make-up lesson within 30 days.
Extended Absence
If you need to miss 2-3 weeks and provide advance notice , I'll hold your appointment time until you return. No makeup lessons are needed and you're not charged for these missed lessons . My vacations work the same way.
If you miss more than 3 weeks
Leaving lessons for 1 - 3 MONTHS is a Leave of Absence. Any credit unused will be held although you may need a new appointment time when you return. A student gone for more than 3 months is considered to have quit lessons permanently and any remaining credit is forfeited.
I've been teaching most of my adult life and still don't have an answer for this one. Three months. Six years. Or less. Or more. Usually though, most folks are playing recognizable songs in a few weeks... IF they practice consistently. Notice that last word: Consistently.